Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year! =)
Monday, December 28, 2009
"The Journey Begins"

I woke up one day on the fourth year of my teaching career asking a very simple question to my self; "Would I remain a teacher for the rest of my life?" a question that triggered an abrupt and enormous change to my current life; one that commenced a journey to finding my true self and my real purpose.
I asked GOD to lead the way to where I must go until I found myself wandering around the "Queen City of the South" after making one of the toughest decisions in my life so far; leaving my noble and beloved profession of teaching. A decision made possible by the power of mind over heart. A decision that I thought would realized my inevitable dreams and other future plans.
Leaving my students behind, I started working the second time around in the call center industry as a technical support representative to North American clients. I enjoyed the job for a few months but a hollow part in my heart kept me from holding on too long. I missed my family, my students, my previous job, and all the things that I've always been doing. This bothered me at that very moment. To some this might be a puny excuse but for me, it's a real big deal. It was when I left my teaching career and everything that has something to do with it that I learned to appreciate its value and purpose to my life. I was then full of apprehension; I don't know what to do or where to go next. But I told myself that I need to move on. I should follow what my heart says.
The very limited time I had, my passion to teach and some of my students requests for me to go back made me decide (at that point in time) for an early lifetime commitment to the teaching profession. I was very excited then and had in mind some ample plans for my next endeavor. But during those times when I least expect things to happen, when I already thought my mindset is fixed, another opportunity knocked at my door before I could even start teaching again... A friend offered an opportunity for me to go abroad. I was astounded. "Now, I'm confused" I told my self. Another tough decision is yet to be made...
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Farmer's Life=)

"Magtanim ay di biro, maghapong nakayuko." A popular line from a Filipino song stating that farming is not an easy job. Well, that's true! I myself was able to experience it. But seeing the fruits of my labor definitely made me forget the exhausting job I've been through, the heat of the sun, and the unpleasant feeling of being soaked from sweat. Ewe... Hehehe=)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
From a teacher’s heart…
I never had so much idea about what it takes to be a teacher. Not until today after receiving the 7th batch of the results of students evaluation in my class. After reading all the positive comments of my students, tears just fell from my eyes. I don’t know… I just can’t bear the overwhelming feeling with the realization of how many lives and the kinds of lives I’ve touched as a teacher, how many hearts I’ve tried feeling the same with, how many experiences have I shared, how many gibberish and intelligible talks have I initiated, and how many young minds have I persuaded to value education and their parents’ efforts. A rewarding feeling that made me appreciate the essence of my profession.
But with a heavy heart, I admit my attachment with this noble profession might no longer last for another year due to some personal reasons. Whatever the future may bring, all I wanted to say for now is thank you to all who believed in me. To my co-teachers and students from whom I’ve learned as well, who made me developed to become the teacher they believe I am, “THANK YOU” from the bottom of my heart for those wonderful days of learning, for those colorful hours of sharing, for the short minutes of smiles and frownings, and for the good times and the bad. You’ll always be my friends though once upon a time some of you really made me mad. Ehehe. I’ll be missing you. GOD Bless you all!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I Love this quote and I wish to share this with you. Hope this will make you smile... always...=)
A SMILE costs you nothing, yet enriches not only your life, but the lives of all you come in contact with. Take a look around you and you will see that the most influential , successful and fulfilled people are those who SMILE the most. If you can't think of anything to SMILE about, SMILE anyway. You will soon create the reasons.
I Shall Not Pass This Way Again...

14 years ago the school librarians of my beloved high school were busy disposing and burning all the old books in the library shelves. I was a freshman then who loves books and was allowed by the librarians to bring home some of those.
One of those books entitled "Panorama of World Literature" was one of my favorites having easily torn pages due to age. At the very last page of the book is a poem entitled "I Shall Not Pass This Way Again" with a picture of two children holding hands while walking in a narrow path. The poem became one of my life's inspiration and I tried memorizing it so that when time comes that the book turns into dust, the thought of that very meaningful poem would remain in my memory till my last breath.
Since I shall never have to pass this way again, I'd like to take this once in a lifetime opportunity to share that wonderful poem written by an Anonymous author:
Thru this toilsome world, Alas!
Once, and only once I pass;
If a kindness I may show,
If a good deed I may do,
To a suff'ring fellow man,
Let me do it while I can;
No delay, for it is plain;
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Author's Personal Statement
I am the eldest among the six fruits of love of my parents. Raised by them with fear in the Lord and bearing in mind the virtue of hard work and discipline, I was a child who never even noticed the reality that my parents came from two different tribes, cultures and religions; my mother a Muslim and my father a born Christian. Two different lives united by God to show the world that we can live together in spite of our individual differences.
My father portrays a man of discipline which was very obvious during my childhood days. I grow up with fear in him, more than ever when I commit mistakes and he takes his disciplinary paddle on top of our cabinet. Those were the days when I was younger and my father keeps on reminding me and my brothers and sisters to value education for it is the only treasure that can never be taken away from us.
My mother is a working mom who wakes up early everyday to prepare our breakfast and “baon” and then prepare herself for work in a government office. A busy woman that she was, but still can manage to perform her tasks as a mother to six children. She is indeed a great mom for me though most of the times way back when I was in elementary and high school, I was awaken by her scolding almost every early in the morning. I could only smile to myself remembering how hard headed I was as a kid in the past years.
My younger brothers and sisters are the best brothers and sisters for me ever. I am very thankful having them in my life. I can still remember finding myself in a fight – flimsy boy that I was - because I wanted to protect them from bullies in school. But I also find myself fighting with them every now and then which are a usual scenario in every family.
I took my elementary education
1994 was the time to go to high school in one of the nearby cities. My parents cannot afford to send me in a private school since four of us were studying then, and so we decided to enroll in a very famous public school during that time - the Zamboanga del Sur National High School. This school offers a special science class that every student whom I know since the admission was very interested about. I took the opportunity to be a part of it and taken the DOST exam. Unfortunately, I never made it. That was the first time as far as I can remember, I felt so disappointed of myself. I thought I was never good enough and am never prepared to be in high school. That was the time when I tried to compare the quality of education in the school where I came from and the schools in the city.
Four years have I spent in high school, without making so much effort in my studies. I did my roles as a student, maintain my grades, and remain in the third section for the rest of the years. I never made it to the top, but still manage not to fail. I’m thinking maybe it was just an aftermath of my disappointment not being able to pass the DOST exam. But in the later years of my High School life, I realized that everything that happened in the past years was planned on purpose. Without that failure, I never have met my friends, I never have met my teachers, I never have encountered such experiences for the succeeding years and I might never have become the person I am right now.
College years took a greater part on my life’s formation spending 7 long years struggling to earn a better profession. I graduated in high school having art as my passion, but my parents cannot afford to send me in an art school somewhere in Vizayas. Besides, I already passed the entrance exam and engineering aptitude test in one of the most prominent schools in Western Philippines, the Western Mindanao State University in Zamboanga City.
I took a 5-year course in Bachelor of Science in Ecological and Environmental Engineering that forced me to love numbers for four long years before finding out that the course wasn’t for me. The struggle to finish the course wasn’t successful and found myself taking a short training in Visual Arts at WMSU’s Department of Extension Services and Non-formal Education that then gave me a feeling of fulfillment.
My stay in Zamboanga for 4 long years was filled with a blend of colors and shadows. There I experienced the pain of hunger, the sorrow of missing my family, and the cruelty of the real world. But all these made me appreciate the value of friendship, the importance of hard work and patience, and trust in the One who made all things possible. Being hired as one of the service crews of Freemont Foods Corporation, a subsidiary of Jollibee Foods Corporation during those years when I was an engineering student is one of the best trainings I can consider that contributed a lot to how I deal with life. Jollibee taught me about responsibility, leadership, hard work, patience, respect, and many more virtues I can name of. Most of all, it taught me to “be happy.”
But my days of stay in Zamboanga must end and I needed to focus more in my studies because I am wasting too much time. I must go back to the place where I took my high school education. Saint Columban College then was my next destination. Without any knowledge of what course I must be taking the second time around, I decided to enroll Bachelor of Science in Information Technology though my mom wanted me to take up a course in Education. Another three years of great effort to finish a degree, I applied as a student assistant at the college of computer studies and did my best to join the school’s student publication for me to be able to obtain tuition fee discounts to help my parents minimize their expenses in sending four of their children to college.
March 2005 was the time of fulfillment. I finished my course and immediately applied for a job in Link2Support Inc., the first ever call center in Cagayan de Oro City during that time and made it to the first batch of Product Support Representatives. After a few months, I went back to the province and applied as a College instructor in my beloved alma mater. For three years now, I’ve been enjoying my job and learned to love this noble profession of teaching. Realizing this must be my calling. Trying to do everything to equip myself to mold and prepare the young minds to become competent future IT professionals.
Whoever I am right now and whatever triumph I had, reflect the very colorful story of my past. From the union of two separate worlds of my parents that molded me the Christian and the Muslim ways taught me everything that circulates inside my head and inside my heart.