Thursday, November 6, 2008

From a teacher’s heart…

I never had so much idea about what it takes to be a teacher. Not until today after receiving the 7th batch of the results of students evaluation in my class. After reading all the positive comments of my students, tears just fell from my eyes. I don’t know… I just can’t bear the overwhelming feeling with the realization of how many lives and the kinds of lives I’ve touched as a teacher, how many hearts I’ve tried feeling the same with, how many experiences have I shared, how many gibberish and intelligible talks have I initiated, and how many young minds have I persuaded to value education and their parents’ efforts. A rewarding feeling that made me appreciate the essence of my profession.

But with a heavy heart, I admit my attachment with this noble profession might no longer last for another year due to some personal reasons. Whatever the future may bring, all I wanted to say for now is thank you to all who believed in me. To my co-teachers and students from whom I’ve learned as well, who made me developed to become the teacher they believe I am, “THANK YOU” from the bottom of my heart for those wonderful days of learning, for those colorful hours of sharing, for the short minutes of smiles and frownings, and for the good times and the bad. You’ll always be my friends though once upon a time some of you really made me mad. Ehehe. I’ll be missing you. GOD Bless you all!!!


Anonymous said...

How touching that farewell message, your been great teacher since I meet you.. lol! Its true, no kidding.

Sad to know that a teacher like you would leave the profession, your the best teacher that I've ever meet since grade to college..

Would like to say thank you for all the teaching and advice you share..


hardz said...


Who ever you are, you're welcome and thank you as well for believing in me. I hope that whatever you've learned from me will be used for your own good. May you be succesful in all your endeavors. GOD Bless =)
